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GC All Rounder HC

GC All Rounder HC
You have achieved tier 0.
Tier 1 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set (244 players)
Tier 2 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set 3 times. (30 players)
Tier 3 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set 10 times. (5 players)
Tier 4 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set 25 times. (6 players)
Tier 5 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set 50 times. (4 players)
Tier 6 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set 90 times. (5 players)
Tier 7 - Highest total HC cumulative points in a GC set 150 times. (7 players)
T7 Club : rossian   mcdubb   eyhung   PDAZ   Indonesia129   Rizeeve   runaway_drive  
You have not yet completed this challenge.

Prestige reward per tier: 7 prestige

The Challenge:

 Have you ever taken a look at this little list? It is to the Global Challenge what a stage classification is to the Tour de France - a list of those players who've performed best over the course of one small segment of the long race. Wouldn't it feel great to top this list? Well, we think so and just to add to this feeling, you can get this badgelet if you manage to do it. Oh, you'll need to win this the hard way - we don't make any allowances for finishing behind previous winners of this award. Only true #1 finishes will count!

This is the HARDCORE MODE version of the award. For the Normal version, look at the one above it.


 Awarded to a player who scores the highest total points of all players during a set of Global Challenge games (hardcore mode). For fairness reasons, only players in divisions 3 and higher get a cumulative score.

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