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Monthly Winner: The World Quiz

Monthly Winner: The World Quiz
You have achieved tier 0.
Tier 1 - be among top 10 players who do not yet have the badge (114 players)
Tier 2 - own T1 and be among the top 8 who do not yet have T2 (40 players)
Tier 3 - own T2 and be among the top 7 who do not yet have T3 (32 players)
Tier 4 - own T3 and be among the top 6 who do not yet have T4 (20 players)
Tier 5 - own T4 and be among the top 5 who do not yet have T5 (13 players)
Tier 6 - own T5 and be among the top 4 who do not yet have T6 (10 players)
Tier 7 - own T6 and be among the top 3 who do not yet have T7 (21 players)
T7 Club : LadyNym   genoveva   samak   wellenbrecher   Dizart   Barbarini   mcdubb   Rizeeve   PDAZ   pehinhota   GoodwinPD   strnog1   Buddy1   HairyBear   1995Tarpon   bottle_rocket   Zippy826   DeepHistory   aerolancer_24   ZWOZZE   Sethdv7  
You have not yet completed this challenge.

Prestige reward per tier: 6 prestige
This is a special challenge for Gold Members

Gold Member Challenge

This is a special challenge for our gold members .

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