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Knockout Hero

Knockout Hero
You have achieved tier 0.
Tier 1 - score 200 knockout points (472 players)
Tier 2 - score 250 knockout points (482 players)
Tier 3 - score 325 knockout points (343 players)
Tier 4 - score 400 knockout points (353 players)
Tier 5 - score 500 knockout points (250 players)
Tier 6 - score 600 knockout points (226 players)
Tier 7 - score 700 knockout points (280 players)
You have not yet completed this challenge.

Prestige reward per tier: 5 prestige

The Challenge:

 Imagine you are in the filming of a Star Wars movie. You get a Jedi robe and a lightsaber. The 200 guys around you get a Stormtrooper outfit and heavy blaster rifles to shoot you with. Of course, since they are trained to miss, you'll dispatch them in no time. Or so you think. Did we mention when you've killed about 130 of them, the rest will turn into Darth Vaders?

If you like this scenario, you'll like Knockout Hero - it may only be 200 people you need to knock out of the game, but at the end, you'll play against none but the very best and beating those is just that extra bit tougher than winning a newbie round. But you wanted it that way, right?


 Awarded to a player who earns a total of 200 knockout points in the FunTrivia Knockout game. A player may have both this badge and the Knockout Champ badge.

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