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Fun Trivia
This line of miniature metal cars has been produced since 1968, were featured in numerous video games, a cartoon series (1969-1971), and several films, all shown on television either as a movie or a mini-series.
5 Hot Wheels quizzes and 50 Hot Wheels trivia questions.
  Hot Wheels World Race    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is about "Hot Wheels World Race", the made for TV movie. A movie about drivers becoming racers to save mankind, as they know it, from an evil robot force.
Tough, 10 Qns, Leonardo15, Aug 16 08
289 plays
  Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Acceleracers" is the sequel series to the "Hot Wheels World Race" movie. "The Speed of Silence" is the second of four DVDs. Enter the car-eating Drone Sweeper.
Tough, 10 Qns, Leonardo15, Aug 16 08
241 plays
  Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Acceleracers" is the sequel series to the "Hot Wheels World Race" movie. "Ignition" is the first of four DVDs. "Live to Drive, Drive to Survive!"
Average, 10 Qns, Leonardo15, Aug 16 08
316 plays
  Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Acceleracers" is the sequel series to the "Hot Wheels World Race" movie. "The Ultimate Race" is the fourth of four DVDs. Both groups team up for an extremely dangerous rescue mission, and one brave driver races against Gelorum to save the world.
Average, 10 Qns, Leonardo15, Aug 16 08
236 plays
  Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
"Acceleracers" is the sequel series to the "Hot Wheels World Race" movie. "Breaking Point" is the third of four DVDs. A mysterious new group of enemies called the Silencerz is introduced.
Tough, 10 Qns, Leonardo15, Aug 16 08
244 plays
trivia question Quick Question
How much money was awarded to each member of the winning team?

From Quiz "Hot Wheels World Race"

Hot Wheels Trivia Questions

1. Which limb did Vert have a cast on after getting hurt in the Ruins Realm?

From Quiz
Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race

Answer: right leg

Vert had taken a motorcycle into the Ruins Realm. While he was making his way through a maze of stone structures, one of the stone statues came to life and went after Karma, blocking Vert's path. Not having enough time to react, Vert ran right into the statue, knocking his motorcycle over and banging up his right leg. Later, Vert is seen with a metal cast/brace. This is part of his reason for staying behind during the rescue mission for Wylde.

2. What is the name of Monkey's robot?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: Sparky

Monkey made Sparky out of the remainder of the Racing Drone that was cut in half in the Storm Realm closed in "Ignition". Sparky obviously had no legs so he rolls around in a crate with wheels. However, Shirako got Sparky legs when he ran over a Drone in the Junk Realm and only the legs were left on his hood. Sparky is named for the way he shoots sparks all the time. The only word that he can say for a while is "hello". (Sparky learns a couple new words in the fourth DVD "The Ultimate Race").

3. What does Monkey call his new type of Nitrox 2?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence

Answer: Nitrox 3 1/2

Monkey takes up chemistry in his spare time. He is bent on creating a new version of Nitrox 2 that will make the cars go up to 300 mph in reverse. His experiments blow up at one point.

4. In what realm did Brian Kadeem disappear?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition

Answer: Storm

The Storm Realm was the first realm that the Metal Maniacs and the Teku went into. They had just gotten into the realm when Dr. Tezla informed them that the Racing Drones had appeared. One of them pushed Kadeem off of the track and Vert tried to catch him with his grappling hook. By the time he had released it, Kadeem was already too far away and he missed. They lost his car's radio and camera signal soon after.

5. What color is Vert Wheeler's car?

From Quiz Hot Wheels World Race

Answer: blue

Vert is the leader of the Wave Rippers. His car is the Deora II. Its features include twin surfboards and vertical turbo jump jets.

6. In the Junk Realm, which racer's car gets picked up by a giant magnet and dropped into a giant trash compactor?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: Vert's

While Vert is driving, he notices big pieces of metal starting to fly upward. He looks out his window to see a giant magnet looming above him. He speeds up, but it's too late, the magnet already has him. The magnet turns and drops him into a giant trash compactor. Vert uses his car's turbo jets to lift himself out of the compactor just before it closes. He activates his Swamp Realm Accelecharger to make a temporary vine track under his car, allowing Vert to get back on the road.

7. Why is Pork Chop afraid of the water?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence

Answer: his father drowned when he was a kid

After he nearly drowns in his submerged car, Pork Chop finally manages to escape his predicament by pushing his EDR (Emergency Driver Return) button. He is then thrown out of the portal into a bunch of barrels and boxes at the same speed his car was going (unexpectedly). Later, Pork Chop is shown cuddling a toy pig in the infirmary. Monkey comes to visit and asks why he was afraid of the Water Realm. Pork Chop replies that his father drowned when he was a little boy.

8. Whose car got split in half when the Storm Realm closed?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition

Answer: Vert's

Vert could see the end of the realm by the time he decided to go back and look for Kadeem. He had already turned around when Lani informed him that the realm was about to close. The realms only stayed open for an hour and this one only had a minute left. He made it out all right, but the portal had closed on half his car.

9. How are Markie and Kurt related?

From Quiz Hot Wheels World Race

Answer: brothers

Markie is Kurt's younger brother. He was rejected for Kurt's team, the Street Breed, but was gladly accepted as a member of the Wave Rippers. Markie drove a car called Stingray.

10. Why did all of the Teku and Metal Maniacs, except for one, team up to take over a Sweeper?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race

Answer: to rescue Wylde

Kurt had brought all of the racers away from Dr. Tezla's cameras, and told them his plan to rescue Wylde. They all agreed to work together except for Vert, who was feeling down about his recent crashes in the realms. Kurt's plan was for Monkey to take over a Sweeper in the Cosmic Realm, and then drive through the portal with all of the cars carried in it. This would hopefully transport them to Gelorum's hideout.

11. Who challenges Tork to a race for control over the Metal Maniacs?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: Wylde

Tork had not been letting Wylde race in the realms for a while, because Wylde kept going after Kurt (Wylde's older brother). When Wylde challenged Tork, Taro suggested that the race be to Dr. Tezla's old place (the building from the World Race movie) and back. They ran neck and neck for a while, until the end when Wylde was willing to hurt one of them just to win. Tork realized that Wylde was crazy and slammed on the brakes, letting him win. When the Junk Realm started to open, Dr. Tezla picked Wylde, Taro, and Tork to be in the race. When Wylde told Pork Chop to go in instead of Tork just because he didn't like him, the Metal Maniacs rejected Wylde as leader, and put Tork back in charge after the race. They realized that it took more to be a leader than just winning a race.

12. What vehicle did Vert smash in the Water Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence

Answer: Power Rage

Vert was near the end of the Water Realm, when he suddenly decided to nab the record of fastest time out of a realm. Karma kept telling him that he had to go slower when he hydroplaned. He didn't listen, and his car flew off the track, smashing into a rock cliff. He managed to push his EDR (Emergency Driver Return) button in time. He flew out of the portal, landing safely on an air cushion (provided by Lani and Nolo after Pork Chop's accident).

13. What two limbs did Taro have casts on after he was injured in the Storm Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition

Answer: right arm and left leg

Nolo and Shirako arrive to help their Teku teammates. Later, Tork and Pork Chop show up to join the rest of the Metal Maniacs. We then see Taro limp out of the infirmary. He stops and says, "Let's get even."

14. What was Kurt's secret code name?

From Quiz Hot Wheels World Race

Answer: Zed 36

Kurt was recruited by Gelorum, an evil robot/android, because he didn't trust Dr. Tezla. He was assigned to sabotage the other drivers and acquire the Wheel of Power for Gelorum. His car, Slingshot, transforms into a secretive black car to conceal his identity.

15. What did Monkey drop while trying to take over the Sweeper in the Cosmic Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race

Answer: flashlight

Monkey followed Kurt's plan and purposely got captured by a Sweeper to try to take it over. Once inside, he made his way to the cockpit and slowly got out the flashlight in his tool belt. He was ready to whack the Sweeper Drone, when he clumsily dropped the flashlight with a loud thud, warning the Drone of his presence. Meanwhile, Pork Chop had also climbed aboard and came to Monkey's rescue by punching the Drone in the the head with his brass knuckles.

16. Who gets captured by the Drones in the Junk Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: Wylde

After being rejected as leader, Wylde still tried to make them do what he wanted them to do. Every decision he made was the wrong one, and Tork kept the team from getting hurt by making the right choices. One of Wylde's bad choices got him pushed off of the track into a pile of junk. After everyone but Wylde had made it through the portal, they noticed that they had lost his radio signal. The portal closes and Kurt realizes he still cares about his brother. The screen flashes to Gelorum's hideout, showing that she had captured Wylde. Wylde, however, wasn't the only one she captured.

17. What is the button called that transports the driver out of a realm without his car?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence

Answer: Emergency Driver Return

Dr. Tezla introduced this button after losing Kadeem (or so the racers thought). It is later revealed that he only installed them when the Accelechargers were taken into the realms for the racers to use.

18. Who helped Vert defeat the Racing Drone that came through the portal with him?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition

Answer: Karma

Vert's car wasn't the only thing that got cut in half; a Drone had been hanging onto the side of his car. The Drone tried to hurt Vert, but Karma rammed the it into the wall with her car.

19. Who broke Dr. Tezla's rule about going back into portals?

From Quiz Hot Wheels World Race

Answer: Banjee

Banjee Castillo is the leader of the Road Beasts. He insisted that he give his newly-recuited team some practice by racing in an already explored part of Highway 35. His view was that rules are made to be broken.

20. Why is Wylde (Markie) so mad at his brother Kurt?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race

Answer: because Kurt made him get sent to jail

Soon after the World Race, Kurt and Markie (Wylde) both got into a business deal. Kurt found out that their business partners were crooked, so he pulled out. Markie didn't want to quit and quickly got caught. Kurt didn't tell the police all he knew because he would've been sent to jail. This sent Markie to jail for two years. While in prison, he buffed up and started calling himself Wylde.

21. Who saves Skirako from a Drone in the Neon Pipeline Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: a Silencer

A Drone had just knocked Shirako off his motorcycle when a Silencer (disguised as Monkey's car) rammed the Drone. Dr. Tezla showed up right behind the Silencer and made the car's cloaking device fail. They had him cornerd until the Silencer's car split into two motorcycles, allowing him to escape.

22. What is Monkey afraid of?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence

Answer: everything

After he found out about Pork Chop's father, Monkey replied that everyone is afraid of something and that he himself was afraid of everything.

23. How many new cars did Pork Chop bring on his semi-truck when he first showed up?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition

Answer: 3

Pork Chop's semi-truck is seen smashing through one of the doors. He slams on the brakes, which sends the end of the truck sideways, revealing three tricked-out cars. One for Monkey, one for Taro, and the last for himself.

24. How many Accelechargers did both the Teku and Metal Maniacs win all together?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race

Answer: 3

The Teku won two Accelechargers, but the Metal Maniacs only won one. Nolo won the Swamp Realm Accelecharger, and Kurt won the Junk Realm Accelecharger. Pork Chop won the Cavern Realm Accelecharger.

25. Which two racers drove motorcycles in the Neon Pipeline Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: Shirako and Pork Chop

Pork Chop had been building a motorcycle for a while and Shirako decided to build his own, too. Later, Pork Chop declared himself to be a "road hog".

26. What vehicle did Vert leave the Accele Drome on?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Speed of Silence

Answer: Nightlife

Power Rage was destroyed in the Water Realm. The Deora II only made it half way out of the Storm Realm. Reverb isn't used until the fourth movie "The Ultimate Race".

27. Who did not race in the Swamp Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Ignition

Answer: Karma

Monkey is working inside Pork Chop's car, when Pork Chop jumps in and starts for the opening portal. While Monkey is asking him to stop and let him out, they ram into Karma sending her crashing into a pile of tires.

28. What score did Vert get on both his written test and his driving test?

From Quiz Hot Wheels World Race

Answer: a perfect score

Even though Vert got his drivers' licence, he was left with his skateboard for transportation. His dad drove him to the testing area, but said he was needed by his squadron. This improved their already-crumbling relationship. Vert's dad thinks his son is self-centered, however this changed after Vert got recruited for the World Race.

29. Why didn't the Teku or the Metal Maniacs' Accelechargers work in the Cosmic Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: The Ultimate Race

Answer: because Gig switched them with fake ones

Gig had altered Dr. Tezla's medication to knock him out and switched the Accelechargers with fake ones. He then hid them in an empty storage tank. When Lani found them, Gig revealed that he was a spy and that there was a Silencer hiding in the Accele Drome.

30. How did Taro lose his radio communication in the Neon Pipeline Realm?

From Quiz Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Breaking Point

Answer: his Accelecharger shorted out his car

Taro was still using his Cavern Realm Accelecharger when he accidentally hit a Drone. This dislodged his Accelecharger which in turn caused his car to short out. He was able to get car started again, but his radio communication wasn't so lucky.

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