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Team v Team Stats

Fifty-Fifty : Monthly Standings
The following chart displays the teams that have the most team points in this game this month.
For details on where these numbers come from, check out our Team vs Team FAQ

League D

TeamYesterdayMonth Points
1. Worldwide Trivia Lovers 3063947
2. Ojibwe Lodge1683029
3. The Astute Achievers2232650
4. Past Times3112561
5. Sploofers2682403
6. Trivia Garden1052336
7. USA West Coast1322214
8. The Misplaced1171890
9. TV Watchers Anonymous2341886
10. The Proud Peacocks1191847
11. NEW YAWKERS1021821
12. United States of Trivia2411805
13. Trivially Challenged551691
14. South African players871410
15. Dynasty Dominators of Death1731386
16. Hoi Polloi631302
17. My Own Little World841262
19. Yes, We're Babes!851210
20. Romania Team931188
21. WWE Champions Team801134
22. Inhabitants of Planet Earth56971
23. StarStruck0942
24. Jane Austen Lovers120888
25. The Lost Connection0888
26. Totally Trivia71876
27. Rising Stars of Trivia108833
28. Rhinoceros0821
29. Scotland the Brains52809
30. Maximum Effort0780
31. The Green Thumbs51759
32. The Woof Pack67756
33. Rose Petal Quizzers74754
34. German Brit0701
35. The Westerners0659
36. Canadian Rockies49658
37. Trivia Bubbles0619
38. Texans0597
39. Children of Terra0596
40. the banana splits60577
41. Flighty Bumble Bees0545
42. The Frost Dragons0540
43. The Trivia Sisters0539
44. New York State Folks50490
45. Dafties0482
46. boiler room0424
47. Supernatural Fans0345
48. Trivia Geeks0335
49. Backwoods Bloomers0333
50. NHL Hockey Fans0316
51. Lumsdino0302
52. Canberrans0300
53. The Crystalballers 0297
54. Baby Boomer Bunch0260
55. the unusual suspects0255
56. Hardcore History Gurus0254
57. Team Texans86241
58. Music Moguls0229
59. Any Day A Thursday65220
60. TEAM B.C.0218
61. Just Playin'0188
62. Recycled Virgins0177
63. The Climbers0174
64. Skelton House0142
65. No Groups0133
66. Ruby0124
67. Edinburgh Quiz Stars0122
68. 50+ And Proud Of It0113
69. Galt's Gulch Groupies0102
70. FunTrivia Underground0102
71. I'll take Potpourri for $100099
72. The Wild Mutant Noggins083
73. The Senagorns082
74. The Spaniards081
75. The Europeans.080
76. takuwinds7777
77. The Clinton Coalition075
78. Indian Gang067
80. Incredible Casuals064
81. Gamers054
82. Mad Cow Team052