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Team v Team Stats

New Questions : Monthly Standings
The following chart displays the teams that have the most team points in this game this month.
For details on where these numbers come from, check out our Team vs Team FAQ

League D

TeamYesterdayMonth Points
1. United States of Trivia2833860
2. Trivially Challenged2783676
3. The Misplaced1973366
4. The Astute Achievers2413214
6. Scotland the Brains1872514
7. Trivia For Adults1722468
8. Trivia Bubbles1172379
9. TV Watchers Anonymous1832127
10. Ojibwe Lodge1302034
11. Music Moguls1201812
12. Worldwide Trivia Lovers 621728
13. The Lost Connection901683
14. Past Times1611551
15. Sploofers1921521
16. My Own Little World1051422
17. USA West Coast01397
18. The Titans1021395
19. Dynasty Dominators of Death581395
20. Romania Team471364
21. Supernatural Fans741141
22. Rose Petal Quizzers761088
23. StarStruck01029
24. The Proud Peacocks01025
25. FunTrivia Underground01011
26. Jane Austen Lovers01007
27. Texans73998
28. Inhabitants of Planet Earth53990
29. WWE Champions Team49986
30. diamond geezers46908
31. New York State Folks54875
32. Hoi Polloi79849
33. Adz Mates66836
34. Canberrans60804
35. Bikers0746
36. The Frost Dragons0679
37. Children of Terra81581
38. Recycled Virgins50560
39. South African players0492
40. Flighty Bumble Bees0488
41. DC Team67487
42. Rhinoceros0475
43. Laid Back Larrikins83373
44. Totally Trivia0327
45. Backwoods Bloomers0302
46. The True North Strong and Free93268
47. No Groups0266
48. The Wild Mutant Noggins0254
49. I'll take Potpourri for $100114249
50. The White Angels0229
51. the unusual suspects86227
52. Merchant Navy0188
53. Yes, We're Babes!0174
54. the banana splits0173
55. worldwide members0160
56. German Brit0149
57. The Revolutionary0142
58. Harry Potter Fans093
59. Hardcore History Gurus090
60. Skelton House086
61. Trivia Geeks083
62. UAW (United A of the World)083
63. Ruby083
64. Any Day A Thursday8080
65. Edinburgh Quiz Stars074
66. A Group Called Sport7070
67. The Great Outdoors068
68. Mad Cow Team068
69. The Europeans.059
70. Indian Gang057
71. Galt's Gulch Groupies057
72. Army Retired056
73. Rock 'n Roll Cats5151
74. Rednecks Do Have Grey Matter050
75. Wild Wolves046
76. Jersey's Finest046
77. Gamers043